Reggaelution – ein junges Kingston erobert die Live-Musik-Szene

Aza Lineage

Reggaelution – ein junges Kingston erobert die Live-Musik-Szene

(for English translation, please scroll all the way down)

Jeder Jamaika-Aufenthalt hat ja so ein gewisses Suchtpotential. Kaum wieder zu Hause, wünscht man sich auch schon zurück auf die Insel, ganz besonders bei klimatischen Gegebenheiten, die das Draußen-Aufenthalten hier so ungemütlich machen wie gerade jetzt.

Da nun aber die meisten von uns weder einen Goldesel im Stall noch Vorgesetzte haben, die milde lächelnd den dritten Urlaubsantrag des Jahres unterschreiben, bleibt zum Stillen des Fernwehs erstmal nur das www. Mit den vor Ort geknüpften Kontakten ist es uns immerhin möglich, euch spannende musikalische Funken über den heimischen Bildschirm (oder den mobilen Display) flimmern zu lassen und so in den kommenden Wochen für ein gänzlich un-weihnachtliches karibisches Strahlen zu sorgen.

Den Anfang machen wir mit einer Veranstaltungsreihe, die im November aus der Taufe gehoben wurde, direkt am Strand von Bull Bay ca. 10 km östlich von Kingston. Auf der bunten Bühne des von Billy “Mystic” Wilmot erschaffenen Surfer-Paradieses Jamnesia versammelten sich am 18. November aufstrebende Künstler und Musikliebhaber, um der allerersten “Reggaelution” beizuwohnen.

Die Idee hinter dem Live-Event erläutert “Young Wailer” Abijah Asadenaki Livingston, der dort nicht nur selbst aufgetreten ist, sondern sich auch um Planung und Promo kümmert:

“There has been a lack of live local events in Kingston, especially for upcoming artists yearning for a stage to grow their skills, so these artists decided to centralise and create their own stage and I was invited to join. Through the partnership of artists, management teams, and some sponsors we have conceptualized a pop-up style live event circuit that will re-ignite the fire of the Kingston Music Scene. The show series titled “Reggaelution” was successfully launched at Jamnesia, Bull Bay. The night brought out a lot of patrons under the stars of 8 Miles Beach, beautiful and fiery performances from an organically talented line-up of rising stars such as 5 Star, Kezz-I, Avante, Jah Izrehl, Yeza, and Asadenaki. Among the patrons were music lovers and reggae stars such as Jah9, Blvk H3ro, Micah Shemaiah, Kush (Uprising Roots) among many others as veteran Billy Mystic (from the Mystic Revealers) watched on in enjoyment.”

Ein viel versprechendes Format also, das zum einen noch unbekannten Talenten eine Plattform zum Ausprobieren und Feedback-Einholen bietet und zum anderen den Besuchern in entspannter Atmosphäre neue Musik nahe bringt. Und das auch noch live!

Die Begeisterung für diese Idee schlägt sich nicht nur in lauthals geäußerten Zuschauer-Rufen wider, wie das Video unten zeigt, sondern auch in der Reflektion der teilnehmenden Künstler, die wir hier zu Wort kommen lassen:

Avante: “Unity is strength. The movement is a great idea regardless of who is involved, and upon being approached with the idea I had no doubt it was going to be great!”

Yeza: “Reggaelution is the birth of our collective enthusiasm. We loved the first show, the support was incredible. We are planning to tek di stage to another level, new material, guest artistes and more. After all, we affi show di people dem what rising Reggae artistes can do, we ago shell it. The next staging of Reggaeluton will be fire!”

Kezz-I: “I joined the Reggaelution mainly because I got a lot to say and it is a great opportunity for me to bring my music live to the people and in the process establish a strong following. Furthermore, it is a joy to be working among such a talented and disciplined crop of upcoming artistes who display a high level of vibrancy and youthful exuberance.”

Die Dezember-Edition steht nun direkt vor der Tür (s. Flyer unten), und wir laden euch mit einem Rückblick auf den Piloten im November ein, Teil dieser spannenden Bewegung zu werden!

Text: Gardy Stein

Fotos: Live2PartyJA

Rückblick auf das allererste Reggaelution-Event am 18.11.2017:




Jah Izrehl

Billy Mystic






Video-Zusammenfassung der Auftritte:


Reggaelution – a young Kingston conquers the live-music-scene

Every stay in Jamaica does bear a certain potential for addiction. Barely home again, you already wish to go back to the island, especially in climatic conditions which make the out-siding as uncomfortable as right now. But, alas, since most of us neither have a cash-cow in the stables nor a boss who’ll sign the third application for leave of the year with a benevolent smile, our yearning has to be stilled by the www for now. With contacts made on-site we are at least able to send some exciting musical sparks your way, providing you with a rather un-christmassy Caribbean glow during the next few weeks.

Let’s start with an event that’s been launched in November, smack on the beach of Bull Bay, around 8 miles East of Kingston. On and off its colourful stage, the surfer’s paradise Jamnesia created by Billy “Mystic” Wilmot saw the congregation of upcoming artists, musicians and music-lovers on November 18th, all of whom had come to witness the first ever instalment of Reggaelution.

The concept behind the live-event is explained to us by the “Young Wailer” Abijah Asadenaki Livingston, who was no only part of the line-up, but is involved with planning and promotion as well: “There has been a lack of live local events in Kingston, especially for upcoming artists yearning for a stage to grow their skills, so these artists decided to centralise and create their own stage and I was invited to join. Through the partnership of artists, management teams, and some sponsors we have conceptualized a pop-up style live event circuit that will re-ignite the fire of the Kingston Music Scene. The show series titled “Reggaelution” was successfully launched at Jamnesia, Bull Bay. The night brought out a lot of patrons under the stars of 8 Miles Beach, beautiful and fiery performances from an organically talented line-up of rising stars such as 5 Star, Kezz-I, Avante, Jah Izrehl, Yeza, and Asadenaki. Among the patrons were music lovers and reggae stars such as Jah9, Blvk H3ro, Micah Shemaiah, Kush (Uprising Roots) among many others as veteran Billy Mystic (from the Mystic Revealers) watched on in enjoyment.”

A promising format, which, on the one hand, gives as yet unknown talents a platform to experiment, hone their skills and get feed-back, on the other hand brings to the visitor’s attention new music in a relaxed atmosphere. Live, that is!

The enthusiasm fort his idea is not only evident in the audience’s acclamation, as the video below shows, but also in the reflection of some of the participating artists:

Avante: “Unity is strength. The movement is a great idea regardless of who is involved, and upon being approached with the idea I had no doubt it was going to be great!”

Yeza: “Reggaelution is the birth of our collective enthusiasm. We loved the first show, the support was incredible. We are planning to tek di stage to another level, new material, guest artistes and more. After all, we affi show di people dem what rising Reggae artistes can do, we ago shell it. The next staging of Reggaeluton will be fire!”

Kezz-I: “I joined the Reggaelution mainly because I got a lot to say and it is a great opportunity for me to bring my music live to the people and in the process establish a strong following. Furthermore, it is a joy to be working among such a talented and disciplined crop of upcoming artistes who display a high level of vibrancy and youthful exuberance.”

With the December-Edition quickly approaching (see flyer below), we invite you to become a part of this fascinating movement with a photographic review of November’s pilot…

About Gardy

Gemini, mother of two wonderful kids, Ph.D. Student of African Linguistics, aspiring author...